第 113 课:大学毕业生-4

For every one hundred graduates of for-profit colleges, eighteen fail to repay their federal student loans. 每 100 名盈利性高校的毕业生里面, 18 名不能偿还他们的联邦学生贷款。

That compares to five graduates of public colleges and universities. 同比而言,公立院校则只有 5 名。

The department is now collecting public comments on a number of negotiated rules. 教育署目前正收集许多有关谈判规则的公众意见。

Some would require career colleges to release their graduation and job placement rates. 有人要求职业高校公布他们的毕业和就业率。

The goal is to publish a final rule by November. 教育书的目标是 11 月份公布最终的规则。