第 114 课:公立学校的教学-3

The standards are in two subject areas, English-language arts and mathematics. 这个标准涉及两个学科领域——英语语言艺术和数学。

They establish goals for each year from kindergarten through grade twelve. 他们每年建立一个从幼儿园到 12 年级的学习目标。

The aim is for students to finish high school fully prepared for college and careers. 其目的是使学生完成高中学业后,对大学和事业做好充分准备。

The developers considered standards in other countries, along with almost one hundred thousand public comments. 标准的开发者考虑了其它国家的标准,同时也考虑了近十万公众的意见。

One way the Education Department is trying to persuade states is with money. 教育部门尽力去说服各州的方式之一是“用钱”。