第 114 课:公立学校的教学-4

States are competing to share in almost three and a half billion dollars as part of a school reform competition. 各州竞相分享作为学校改革竞赛一部分的近 350 亿美元。

They will earn extra points in the Race to the Top if they approve the standards by August second. 如果各州在 8 月 2 日前同意该标准,那么他们在“ 力争上游 ”计划中将会获得额外加分。

States are trying to recover from the recession. 各州目前正在试图摆脱经济衰退。

There are concerns that some could accept the standards and then lack the money to follow them. 有一些人担心一些州可以接受这个标准,但是缺乏资金来支持它。

The final standards were released June second. 最终的标准是 6 月 2 日公布的。

A new report say about half the states have approved them already. 最新的报道说,大约一半的州已经同意该标准。