第 114 课:公立学校的教学-5

The Thomas B. Fordham Institute is an education group in Washington . 托马斯 . 福德汉姆机构是一家位于华盛顿的教育集团。

It says the standards are clearer and stronger than those used in three-fourths of the states. 该机构认为,该标准比四分之三的州过去所使用的标准要更清晰、更强大。

But the comparison also found that existing English standards are "clearly stronger" in California , Indiana and the District of Columbia . 不过对比也发现,加利福尼亚州、印第安纳州以及哥伦比亚特区现行的英语标准比该标准”明显更强大“。

States that approve the new standards have a right to add up to fifteen percent of their own. 同意该新标准的各州有权加入自己的百分之十五。

In California , the State Board of Education plans to vote on August second to accept or reject a new set of standards. 在加利福尼亚州,州教育委员会计划在 8 月 2 日投票决定是同意还是反对该新标准。

These are based largely on the common core, but also existing California standards. 这主要基于共同核心,还有现行的加利福尼亚州标准。