第 115 课:染上色彩-3

Leave it overnight in water and liquid soap. 将它放人水和液态肥皂的混合物中浸泡一整夜。

Then wash it with clean water that is a little warm. Gently squeeze out the extra water. 然后用一点温水洗干净.温和的拧出多余的水。

A solution called a mordant is used in the dying process. 有一种叫做媒染剂的溶液常用于染色的过程中。

A mordant helps fix the dye to the material. 媒染剂会帮助固定衣料上的染料。

Traditionally, mordants were found in nature. Wood ash is one example. 传统上说,媒染剂都可在自然中找到。木灰就是一个例子。