第 116 课:受伤的运动员-2

Researchers at North Carolina State University asked male football players at two American colleges. 北卡罗来纳州立大学的研究人员调查了两所大学的男性橄榄球运动员。

The study found that those players would still probably choose a male trainer -- unless the injury made them feel depressed. 研究表明这些运动员可能仍然倾向于选择男性教练——除非这些伤痛使他们感到绝望。

Then they would most likely choose a female trainer. 在这种情况下,他们才更多地选择女性教练。

The researchers offer two possible explanations. 研究人员提供了两种可能的解释。

They say football players might be seen as "weak" if they talk about their depression with a male trainer. 一是如果橄榄球运动员向男性教练倾诉他们的绝望时,他们觉得会被视作一个“弱者”。