第 118 课:种族平等-4

The author, who published only the one novel, is still alive but rarely speaks publicly. 这本书的作者,一生只出过一本书,目前仍然在世,但很少在公共场合演讲。

Some people say "To Kill a Mockingbird" treats racism in a way that is simplistic, even offensive to blacks, and out of date in today's America . 有人说,《杀死一只知更鸟》以一种简单化的、对黑人略带攻击性的、对今天的美国来讲已经过时的方式讨论了种族主义。

Still, it has been translated into more than forty languages and has sold over forty million copies. 然而,该书仍然被翻译成四十种语言,全球销量达 4000 万册。

It won a Pulitzer Prize and is often required reading in high school. 该书获得了普利策奖,并且常常成为高中必读书籍。

The story takes place in a town that Harper Lee called Maycomb. 该书的故事发生在一个被哈伯 . 李称为梅高的镇上。