第 12 课:留学生的毕业问题-3

The employer is the one who applies for it. The visa is good for three years and may be extended for another three years. 这个签证是由雇主申请的,有效期为三年,也可以再延期三年。

Cheryl Gilman directs visa services at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. Cheryl Gilman 主管洛杉矶南加利福尼亚大学的签证事务。

She noted that H-1B visas were still available for next year. 她指出H-1B签证明年仍然继续有效。

This tells her that the recession is preventing employers from sponsoring as many foreign nationals as they have in the past. 这表明了,经济衰退正在阻碍雇主为像过去那么多的外国国籍的员工做担保。

Sixty-five thousand H-1Bs are awarded each year to graduates with a bachelor's degree. 每年有65,000 本H-1B签证被发向具有学士学位的毕业生。