第 121 课:无国界医生-3

Another doctor in the film, Australian Chris Brasheer, has been with Doctors Without Borders for nine years. 电影中出现的另一名澳大利亚医生 Chris Brasheer,他在无国界医生组织工作了9年。

He has served in the Democratic Republic of Congo and spent time in Liberia. 他曾在刚果民主共和国从事服务工作,有些时间也服务于利比里亚。

He describes some of the conditions he faced. 他描述了他面对的一些环境状况。

Doctors Without Borders was established in nineteen seventy-one by doctors and journalists in France. 无国界医生是由法国医生和新闻记者在1971年建立起来的。

Today, the group provides humanitarian medical aid in nearly sixty countries. 今天,该组织为将近60个国家提够了人道主义医疗救助。

On an average day, it says, almost twenty-seven thousand doctors, nurses and others work in teams of local and foreign aid workers. 该组织表示,平均每天几乎都有将近27000名医生,护士,其他当地的工作组和外国上网救助人员一起从事于救助的工作。