第 121 课:无国界医生-4

Doctor Chiara Lepora from Italy also appears in the film. 来自意大利的医生Chiara Lepora ,也出现在了这部电影中。

She spent several years working with the group, and told VOA's Penelope Poulou that she will probably return. 她几年时间都与这个组织一起工作,并且她告诉我们VOA的Penelope Poulou,她很可能会回国。

Doctors Without Borders is structured as an international movement. 无国界医生是一个有组织的国际性运动。

It has organizations in nineteen countries, including the United States. 它在19个国家都有组织,包括美国。

Ninety percent of its money comes from private sources. 该组织90%的钱都来自私人捐赠。

In nineteen ninety-nine the group received the Nobel Peace Prize. 1999年,该组织被授予了诺贝尔和平奖。