He may shout, "Stop making mistakes. Get your act together." 他会冲着你叫喊,“不要再犯错了,集中你的精神。”
Or, if the employer is calmer, he may say, "Let us get our act together." 或者,如果你的雇佣者是一个很冷静的人,他可能会对你说,“我们一起集中精神(筹划下)。”
Either way, the meaning is the same. Getting your act together is getting organized. 不管是那种方式,意思都是一样的.集中你的精神就是指你要有组织有条理。
In business, it usually means to develop a calm and orderly plan of action. 在生意上,它通常意味着发展一个冷静有条理的行动计划。
It is difficult to tell exactly where the saying began. 要准确的说出这个俗语的来源是很困难的。