He considered spending more than one thousand dollars for an electric milking machine. 他曾考虑过要花费超过1千美元来购买一台电动挤奶器。
But that seemed like a lot of money to milk just one goat. 但这花费似乎太高,对于仅仅一只山羊的挤奶。
So he began to develop a device of his own. 所以他开始研发一种自创的装置。
He worked with parts that he bought from an auto supply store and a Wal-Mart store. 他从一家汽车供应商店和沃尔玛超市买来零件组装装置.
He tried the invention on Millie. How did she react? She gave a little milk. 他在Millie身上尝试了这项发明.她有什么反应?她流出了一点点奶。