Your friend "has her heart in the right place" if she says she is sorry, and shows great concern for how you feel. 如果你朋友说,她很抱歉,并且对你的感受表现出很大的关心,那么你的朋友有心地很善良(has her heart in the right place)。
Your friend may, however, warn you not to wear your heart on your sleeve . 然而,你的朋友也可能会提醒你不要太情绪化(not to wear your heart on your sleeve)。
In other words, do not let everyone see how lovesick you are. 换句话说,就是不要让别人了解到你的心思病有多严重。
When your heart is on your sleeve you are showing your deepest emotions. 当你情绪化的时候,那么你正在展现你最深层的情感。
If your friend says, my heart bleeds for you , she means the opposite. 如果你的朋友说,我对你深表同情(my heart bleeds for you),她的意思是相反的。