第 125 课:裂谷热-3

So can drinking unpasteurized or uncooked milk from infected animals. 食用被感染动物产出的未经消毒或煮过的牛奶也会引起人的感染。

Most human cases of the disease are minor. Some patients do not get sick at all. 多数感染这种疾病的人事案例都显示无生命危险。

Others may get flu-like symptoms such as fever, muscle and joint pain and headaches. 有些病人根本不会感到很虚弱.其他人可能会有像发烧、肌肉关节痛或头痛等类似感冒类型的症状。

Patients normally recover within seven days. 一般病人在7天内就能康复。

But patients with more severe forms can go blind. Some develop encephalitis, a brain disease that can lead to headaches, coma or seizures. 但形式较为严重病人可能会失明.有些发展性的脑炎,这种大脑疾病会导致头痛,昏迷或脑病发作。