第 126 课:单词-heart-3

I would speak with all my heart, or with great feeling. 我会用心,或用强烈的感情去交谈。

When a person shares her feelings freely and openly like this, you might say she wears her heart on her sleeve, or on her clothing. 当一个人如此随意和公开的与你分享他的情感时,你可能会说她是真情流露.

Her emotions are not protected 她不再隐藏她的情感。

If we had an honest discussion, both of us would know that the other person's heart is in the right place. 如果我们有一个真诚的交谈,我们两个都会了解到彼此的心地都是很好的。

For example, I would know that you are a kind-hearted and well-meaning person. 例如,我会知道你是一个仁慈好心的人。