第 127 课:脑力健康-1

How active you are early in life may affect how able-minded you are late in life. 人生命中的早期活跃程度可能会影响其生命晚期的脑力健康。

That was the finding of a new study of cognitive impairment, or a loss in mental abilities. 这是对认知障碍或缺乏思考能力的一项新研。

The study involved more than nine thousand women in the United States over the age of sixty-five. 在美国,有超过9千名年龄超过65岁的女性参与了该研究。

They answered questions about their level of physical activity as teenagers and at age thirty, fifty and late in life. 她们回答了一些关于自身在青少年时期及30到40岁和老年时期等各个阶段的身体活动强度问题。

Laura Middleton of the Sunnybrook Health Sciences Center in Canada led the study. 加拿大森尼布鲁克健康科学中心的Laura Middleton领导了这项研究。