第 127 课:脑力健康-2

Speaking by Skype, Laura Middleton noted two long-lasting effects that physical activity can have on teenagers. 通过Skype的演讲,Laura Middleton 指出了身体锻炼对青少年的2项长久影响。

Exercise could help strengthen the blood vessels that carry blood and oxygen to the brain. 运动可以帮助加强血管运输血液和氧气到大脑的能力。

Also, physical activity is known to improve the brain's ability to repair itself. 而且,身体锻炼也可以改善大脑的自身修复能力。

The study is in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.

Women who said they were physically active even once a week showed less cognitive impairment as measured by a test. 通过一项测试显示,每周甚至只有一次身体锻炼的女性在认知障碍上都会有所减少。