第 128 课:Manute Bol -1

Manute Bol played ten years in the National Basketball Association. Manute Bol 在 NBA 效力长达 10 年。

But he will be remembered as much for his shot-blocking in the NBA as for his charity work in Sudan . 但是,他被人们记住他在 NBA 的盖帽就像他在苏丹的慈善工作一样多。

He died June nineteenth from kidney failure and a rare and painful skin disorder. 他由于肾衰竭和一种非常罕见且很痛的皮肤病于 6 月 19 去世

He became sick while working in his homeland. 他在他的祖国工作的时候就生病了。

He was forty-seven years old. 他去世时 47 岁。