第 128 课:Manute Bol -4

He finished his career as the fourteenth best shot-blocker in NBA history. 在他的职业生涯中,他的盖帽数量在 NBA 历史上排名第 14 位。

He enjoyed his fame. But he never forgot his people. 他喜欢他的荣誉。但是,他从不忘记他的人民。

Years of civil war left southern Sudan in ruins . He estimated that he lost two hundred fifty members of his extended family. 多年的内战遗留给苏丹南部的是一片废墟。他估计他的家族失去了 250 人。

He helped raise money for refugees. 他帮助难民筹钱。

Reports say he donated nearly all of the estimated six million dollars he made playing basketball. 报道中说,他捐献了几乎他打球所得的全部 600 万美元。

Before his death, he was working with the Sudan Sunrise group to help bring the country together. 他去世之前,他与苏丹日出组织一起工作帮助他的祖国团结起来。