第 129 课:城市种-4

One of the goals of the urban farm is to show city people the joys of growing food. 城市农场的一个目标是显示城市人群对种植食品的兴趣。

The Alleycats invite school groups to the farm to help out. The Alleycats 项目邀请学校团体来到农场帮忙。

And Amber Banks says they want the same people who get food donations to learn how to work the soil. 另外, Amber Banks 说,他们希望那些获得过食物捐赠的人们都能来学习如何下地干活。

Sean Conroe says Alleycat Acres is expanding to other empty areas of Seattle . Sean Conroe 说, Alleycat Acres 项目正在向西雅图的其他空地延伸。

So are a lot of other urban farming groups. 这样就会有很多其他城市务农团体了。