第 13 课:美国大学毕业生-1

In America, May and June are the traditional months for graduations. 在美国,5月和6月是毕业的传统月份,

A listener in China, Jack Hoo from Jiangsu province, wants to know how American college graduates find jobs. 一位来自中国江苏省的听众Jack Hoo想了解美国大学毕业生如何找工作的情况。

Right now the answer is: not very easily. 目前的答案是:找工作不是很容易。

The National Association of Colleges and Employers collects information on the college job market. 国家大学与就业协会搜集了大学就业市场上的相关信息。

NACE's latest survey in March found that employers expected to hire twenty-two percent fewer graduates this year than last. NACE(国际电子顾问委员会)的3月份最新调查发现今年雇主们期望招聘的毕业生比上年减少了22%。