第 13 课:美国大学毕业生-2

Most blamed the recession. 这很大程度上由于经济衰退的影响。

The most recent student survey showed that just one-fifth of those who looked for jobs before graduation have one by now. 最近的学生调查显示,到目前为止,仅仅1/5在毕业前就开始求职的学生找到了一份工作。

This is compared to half of students who had looked for a job by this time two years ago. 与此成对比的是,两年前到同时期为止有50%求职的学生找到了工作。

But one difference: fewer of this year's graduates have started to search for jobs. 但是这里有个区别:今年已开始寻找工作的毕业生人数比两年前要少。

Still, NACE found no big increase in graduates who plan to stay in school and avoid the job market. 同时,NACE发现打算留在学校而避免就业市场的毕业生人数并没有大幅度增长。