第 130 课:二次衰退-5

President Obama had hoped to sign a final bill by July fourth, Independence Day . 奥巴马总统希望在 7 月 14 日 美国独立日签署这个最终议案。

But the Senate has delayed action on its version of the financial reform bill until Congress returns July twelfth. 但是,参议院推迟了金融改革法案译本的表决,直到国会 7 月 20 日 复会。

Democrats agreed to remove a proposed fee on banks, in hopes of securing passage. 民主党同意删除对银行收税的内容,以此希望确保法案的通过。

The vote was delayed in part because of the death of longtime Senator Robert Byrd, a Democrat from West Virginia . 投票的推迟部分原因是由于西弗吉尼亚州民主党 资深 参议员 Robert Byrd 的去世。