第 131 课:种植菊花-1

People have grown chrysanthemums for more than two thousand years. 人们种植菊花的历史已经超过了 2000 年。

Chinese and other Asian cultures make tea with the flowers. 中国人和其他亚洲文化用菊花制成茶叶。

But mums also make bright and colorful gardens. 但是,菊花还可以使花园明亮和鲜艳。

One basic kind of mum is the hardy or garden mum. The other basic kind is the florist mum. 菊花的一个基本品种是那种坚硬的或者花园类菊花。

The garden mum is better able to handle different growing conditions than the florist mum. 其他种类的是开花型菊花。花园类菊花比开花类菊花适应不同成长环境的能力更强。