第 131 课:种植菊花-4

This is why experts advise against placing mums near nightlights or streetlights. 这就是为什么专家建议尽量避免将菊花放置在暗处或街灯附近的原因。

The light may interfere with their normal growth cycle. The plants may develop buds too soon. 这些光线可以干扰菊花的正常生长周期。菊花可能过早的发芽。

In climates where temperatures fall below freezing , plant mums at least six weeks before the first frost is expected. 处在气温低于 0 度以下的地区,菊花要至少在距第一次霜冻来临前 6 周种植。

That way, the plants will be well established for cold weather. 这样的话,菊花可以更好的抵御寒冷的天气。

Placing mulch around the plants can protect them from the cold. 在菊花周围放置覆盖物可以保护他们抵御寒冷。