第 136 课:国际刑事法庭-2

The court was also given the right to try crimes of aggression, although it never has. 海牙法庭还被授予审判侵略罪的权利,尽管它从来没有使用过。

This is partly because I.C.C. members could not agree on how to define aggression. 其部分原因是由于国际刑事法庭的各成员国还没有在如何定义侵略罪上达成一致。

In Kampala they agreed on a compromise resolution. 在坎帕拉,各成员国对妥协方案取得了一致。

It defines the crime in terms of acts by a political or military leader against another state in violation of the United Nations Charter. 他们将侵略定义为,该罪行是指政治或军事领导人为反对另一国而采取的违反联合国宪章的行动。

Invasions, attacks and blockades could all be tried as acts of aggression. 入侵、攻击和封锁都将被判为是触犯侵略罪的行为。