第 136 课:国际刑事法庭-4

I.C.C. countries also agreed to delay any action by the court on aggression until they re-examine the issue in seven years. 国际刑事法庭成员国也同意推迟由海牙法庭对侵略罪作出的任何决议直到各国在 7 年后重新检查该问题。

The International Criminal Court has yet to complete its first case involving any crime. 国际刑事法庭仍然不得不完成第一起涉及侵略罪的案件。

Eleven cases are currently before the court. 在该庭之前,最近又出现了 11 宗案件。

They include the case against Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir. 这些案件就包括反对苏丹总统 Omar al-Bashir 的案子。

He is the first head of state to be charged by the I.C.C. while in office . Omar al-Bashir 是第一位被国际刑事法庭起诉的 在任国家元首 。