第 137 课:医院的病人-3

These are hospitals where new doctors, known as residents, come for more training after medical school. 教学医院是新医生,即实习医生从医学院毕业后接受更多培训的地方。

Hospitals in the United States employ their newest medical residents every year in the month of ... July. 美国的医院在每年的7月都会聘请新的医学实习生。

David Phillips and Gwendolyn Barker believe there is a clear link between deadly medical errors and the arrival of new residents. David Phillips 和Gwendolyn Barker认为在医学失误死亡和新到实习生之间有很显然的联系。

They also examined hospitals without residency programs. 他们还调查了没有实习医生计划的医院。

They found no unusual increase in deaths caused by drug errors. 发现这些医院用药错误并没有导致死亡率的异常增加。

Medical residents may stay at a teaching hospital for three years or more. 医学实习生可能会在教学医院里呆上3年或更长的时间。