第 138 课:劳工问题-1

Factory labor built China into the world's third largest economy, after the United States and Japan. 工人使中国续美国日本之后,挤升到世界第三大经济国。

Now something else is building: labor tensions. 但现在劳工问题的紧张局势在日益增强。

George Haley at the University of New Haven in Connecticut says labor unrest is common. 康涅狄格州纽黑文大学的教授bGeorge Haley 表示,劳工动荡是很常见的。

Disputes are especially common in the Pearl River manufacturing area in southeastern China. 中国东南部珠海制造区所存在的争论是尤为普遍的。

Companies there have resisted raising wages. 那些区域内的公司一直压制着工资的增长。