Each year since two thousand one, the American State Department has published a Trafficking in Persons Report. 自从 2001 年以来的每一年,美国国务院都会公布一份关于人口贩卖的报告。
It measures efforts by countries to fight human trafficking. 通过这份报告来测试各国打击人口买卖的力度。
This year's report, out Monday , adds the United States for the first time. 今年的报告于 本周一出台 ,并首次将美国政府加入其中。
The Federal Bureau of Investigation says people are being trafficked into major cities nationwide. 美国联邦调查局认为,人口被贩卖到全国各主要城市。
Tim Whittman at the F.B.I. is an expert on the problem. 美国联邦调查局的 Tim Whittman 是该领域的专家。