第 139 课:人口贩卖-4

Some victims are American citizens. 还有一些受害人来自美国其他城市。

Tim Whittman from the F.B.I. says illegal sex businesses often limit their customers to avoid being caught. 美国联邦调查局的 Tim Whittman 认为, 非法性交易常常使那些交易人员免于被抓捕。

Deborah Sigmund started a group called Innocents at Risk. Deborah Sigmund 来自一个名叫“危险中的天真” 组织。

She says most of the victims of human trafficking come from economically troubled countries . 她说,人口贩卖中的大部分受害人来自 经济有问题的国家 。

Tim Whittman says the smugglers often threaten their victims and make it difficult for them to pay their debts. Tim Whittman 说,走私贩常常威胁受害者,并且给他们设置很多困难来支付其欠债。