第 140 课:鸟类的表达-1

Today we explain some expressions about birds. 今天我们来解释一些关于鸟类的表达。

For example, if something is for the birds , it is worthless or not very interesting. 例如,某些 “为鸟类准备的” 东西,就是“毫无价值或者趣味 ” ( for the birds )的东西;

Someone who eats like a bird eats very little.“吃饭象鸟一样”的人就是“饭量极少”( eats like a bird )的人;

And a birds-eye view is a general look at an area from above. 鸟瞰( birds-eye view )是指从某一地域的高处往下整体观看。

Did you know that if you tell a young person about the birds and th e bees you are explaining about sex and birth? 你知道吗?如果你向年轻人讲解关于“鸟类和蜜蜂”的知识,你就是在向他们讲解“基本的性知识”( birds and the bees );