第 140 课:鸟类的表达-2

Have you ever observed that birds of a feather flock together ? 你是否曾注意到“物以类聚人以群分”的现象?

In other words, people who are similar become friends or do things together. 换句话说,同类人会成为朋友或者一同做事;

Here is some good advice: a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush . 这儿有个不错的建议“双鸟在林不如一鸟在手”,

This means you should not risk losing something you have by trying to get more of something you do not have. 意思是说“不要因为想竭力得到你没有的东西而冒险失去自己已有的东西”( a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush )。

Sometimes I can do two things by performing only one action. This is called killing two birds with one stone. 有时,我可以做一件事得到两种好处。这就叫“一石二鸟”( kill two birds with one stone )。