第 141 课:中期选举-4

But labor unions and progressive groups tried to defeat her for opposing a "public option."但是,为了反对一项“公众选择权”,工会和改革组织都在努力反对她。

That was the idea of a government health-insurance program. “公众选择权”是一项政府健康保险计划的建议。

She also opposed efforts to make it easier for unions to gain members. 她还反对工会为简化招募会员的做的努力。

Now, Senator Lincoln faces Republican congressman John Boozman in the general election. 现在, Lincoln 参议员要在大选中面对共和党众议员 John Boozman 的挑战。

And in Nevada , Republicans nominated Sharron Angle for the Senate with strong support from Tea Party activists. 在内华达州,共和汤提名 Sharron Angle 参选参议员,因为她得到了来自茶话会骨干分子的大力支持。