第 141 课:中期选举-5

The former state lawmaker will now try to defeat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. 前任州立法人现在正在努力反对 参议院多数党领袖 Harry Reid 。

Public opinion surveys show voters are angry with office holders. 民意调查 显示投票者对执政者不满。

But political scientist Larry Sabato at the University of Virginia thinks the media has overstated anti-incumbent feelings. 但是,维吉尼亚大学的政治学家 Larry Sabato 认为,媒体夸大了反对派的感受

Larry Sabato also says Democrats were happy that Republicans nominated very conservative candidates supported by the Tea Party. LARRY SABATO 也认为,民主党对共和党提名得到茶话会支持的极端保守候选人感到高兴。

He says Democrats now see a much better chance to win some of those races . 他认为,民主党现在看到了在中期选举中其他种族支持的非常好的机会

The elections in November come midway in President Obama's term. 11 月选举来自执行中间道路的现任总统奥巴马的团队。