第 142 课:就业市场-2

So where does that leave this year's graduates? 那么这些离开学校的毕业生能去哪儿呢?

The National Association of Colleges and Employers says about one-fourth of those who applied for a job have found one. 全美大学与雇主协会表示这些申请工作的毕业生中大约有1/4的人找到了工作。

NACE says that is up a little from last year. 这比去年有小幅度的增加。

But the number is down sharply from two thousand seven, the year before the financial crash. Starting pay is also down. 但与经济危机的前一年2007年相比,这个数额大幅减少.首次薪金也有所下降。

Josh Safran graduated from American University in Washington with a business degree. He is still looking for a job. Josh Safran从美国华盛顿大学毕业,获得商学位.他仍在寻找工作中。