第 144 课:食用木薯-1

About eight hundred million people in Africa, Asia and South America eat cassava. 在非洲,亚洲和南美大约有8亿人口食用木薯。

The plant is a major source of food energy and a major food security crop. 这种植物是食品能源的主要源泉和一种安全的粮食作物。

It can survive in poor soil and without much water. 它能在贫瘠缺水的土壤中存活。

Also, the root can stay in the ground for as long as three years, so it can be harvested as needed. 而且它的根在地面下的存活时间长达3年之久,所以人们可以根据所需量收获作物。

But in East Africa the plant is under attack. 但东非的木薯却遭受了侵害。