第 145 课:健康医护行业-2

For example, nearly two thousand nurses left the Caribbean between two thousand two and two thousand six. 例如,在2002年到2006年间,就有近2000名护士离开了加勒比区域。

Caribbean nations currently have about one nurse for every one thousand people. 近来,加勒比国家每一名护士平均要对应医护到1000人。

The ratio of nurses to population is about ten times higher in the United States and countries in the European Union. 美国和欧盟国家护士的人口比例所对应的人数高于加勒比国家十倍。

Currently, more than twenty-one thousand nurses who trained in the Caribbean are working in the United States, Canada and Britain. 近来,超过21000名曾在加勒比受训过的护士,现在都在美国,加拿大和英国工作。

Gaetan Lafortune is with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development in Paris. Gaetan Lafortune 工作于巴黎的经合组织。