第 146 课:黄金法则-1

Throughout history, gold has been a sign of purity, beauty and power. 贯穿整个历史,黄金一直都是纯净,美丽和权利的象征。

Calling something golden means it has great quality and value. 称某事为黄金意味着它有着很好的品质和价值。

For example, the golden rule is possibly the world's most widespread moral rule. 例如,黄金法则就可能是世界上最普遍的道德规则。

It says people should treat others the way they themselves would like to be treated. 它表示人们应该待人如己。

Every major religion has its own version of this idea. 每一个主教都有其自己关于这一想法的版本。