第 146 课:黄金法则-2

The golden ratio is found in art, architecture and nature. 黄金比例存在于艺术,建筑和自然之中。

It describes a rectangle with a length about one and one-half times its width. 它描述的是一个长宽比大概为1:1.5的长方形物体。

Objects using this ratio in their design seem to please the eye more than others. 使用这种比例设计的物体会比其他的更能愉悦人眼球。

Philosophers have their own golden idea. 哲学家们都有属于他们的金点子。

The golden mean says moderation in all things is the best way to live one's life. 中庸思想(golden mean) 表示对所有的事情都自我节制才是对人最好的生活方式。