第 146 课:黄金法则-5

In nineteen thirty-seven, American playwright Clifford Odets wrote a play called "The Golden Boy." 1937年,美国剧作家Clifford Odets 写了一部名叫《金童》的戏剧。

This expression describes a young man who has many good qualities and a bright future. 它个词语形容了一个有着光明前途和优秀品质的年轻男孩。

You might tell someone you are golden when that person does something very well. 当某人将某事做的很好时你可能会告诉别人你很优秀很棒。

Gold digger is another description. But this does not say something nice about a person. 拜金族(Gold digger)是另一个表达。这不是指某人的某种优点。

A gold digger is someone who seeks to marry a rich person because he or she is only interested in that person's money.