第 149 课:留学生的数量-1

The number of international students in the United States is at record levels. 美国国际留学生的数量达到了一个最高记录。

Last year, more than six hundred seventy thousand foreign students attended an American college or university. 去年,超过67万的外国留学生就读了美国的大学或学院。

And for the eighth year the school with the largest number was the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. 洛杉矶的南加利福尼亚大学连续8年都是留学数量最多的大学。

U.S.C. has about six thousand six hundred international students in regular academic programs. 南加利福尼亚大学常规的教学课程大约有6600个国际留学生。

One in four graduate students and one in ten undergraduates come from other countries. 该校四分之一的研究生和十分之一的本科生都来自其它国家。