第 15 课:学生个人理财课-1

We continue now with our discussion of personal finance for students. 现在我们来继续学生个人理财课的讨论。

A study in the United States found that eighty-four percent of undergraduates last year had at least one credit card. 美国一项调查显示,去年有84%的在校大学生至少拥有一张信用卡。

Half had four or more. Borrowers who do not pay their card debt in full each month have to pay interest on whatever balance remains. 半数的学生有四张或者更多。不能按月 全额还请信用卡债务的借款人就要被收取利息了,无论信用卡上有多少结欠款。

Student loan company Sallie Mae did the study. 学生贷款银行Sallie Mae 做了此项调查。

In a time of economic downturn, it says, college students are depending on credit cards more than ever. 调查报告显示,在经济低迷期,大学生比以往任何时候都更加 依赖于信用卡。