第 15 课:学生个人理财课-3

To get a credit card, they will need a parent or other adult over twenty-one to accept joint responsibility. 这些人群要拥有信用卡,就必须有父母或其他21周岁以上的成年人来承担 连带责任。

Or they will need to show they can repay their debts independently. 不然他们就需要证明自己具有独立偿还债务的能力。

Colleges will have to make public any agreements with credit card marketers. 大学需要将与信用卡营销商达成的任何协议 公布于众。

And credit card companies may not offer gifts on or near a campus to persuade students. 并且信用卡公司也不得在校园内或周边地区以提供赠品来劝说学生办卡。

Also, schools are urged to consider limiting the number of places on campus where companies can market credit cards. 学校也被敦促考虑对公司在校内信用卡售卖点数量加以限制。