第 15 课:学生个人理财课-4

And they are urged to offer credit card and debt education and counseling sessions to all new students. 同时,学校还被要求面向所有新生开设信用卡及债务教育和咨询会。

The new measures from Congress take effect in February. 国会的新举措有望在明年2月生效。

Getting a credit card can already be difficult for international students. 对于国际学生来说,办张信用卡已经是很困难的事情。

College advisers say those who want one might consider arriving with one from home. 大学辅导老师说那些想拥有一张信用卡的学生可能会考虑从母国办好一张并且带过来。

Debit cards withdraw money directly from a bank account. 使用借记卡是直接从银行账户划账的。