第 150 课:棉花的种植-2

Now, several researchers involved in that study have published another report in the same journal, Science. 现今加入这项研究的几位研究员已在同一杂志<自然科学>上发表了另一报道。

They studied the same farmlands again and confirmed the findings about bollworms. 他们对同一块农地再次进行研究,证实了关于螟蛉的发现。

But they also found something else. 但是他们也有其他发现。

They say another kind of bug is now attacking the cotton and other crops. 他们表示有另一种虫子正在侵害棉花和其他作物。

The study reported on mirid populations between nineteen ninety-seven and two thousand eight. 研究报道了1997到2008年间的盲蝽数量。