第 150 课:棉花的种植-5

Farmers started using it as a natural way to kill insects. 农户们把它当作一个天然杀死昆虫的方法开始泛用。

Then scientists learned how to put a Bt gene into cotton plants. 之后科学家获悉到把BT基因植入棉花中的方法。

Much of the cotton grown in northern China is a Bt variety made by Monsanto. 中国北部许多的种植棉花都是孟山都公司生产的BT棉品种。

Different companies produce Bt cotton. 有很多公司生产BT棉。

Around the world, farmers grow an estimated sixteen million hectares of Bt cotton. 世界各地农户种植的BT棉估计有一千六百万公顷。