第 155 课:嫁接的植物-5

but added:No one knows the consequences that will have on soil fertility and the human body. 他还附加说:没有人知道转基因作物对土壤的肥沃和人体会带来什么后果。

Only the future will tell us the truth about transgenic food. 只有未来能告诉我们关于转基因食物的真相。

Christian in France expressed a different concern, saying: The big problem of the transgenic seeds is that they are the monopoly of big companies. 法国的Christian表达了不同的忧虑,他说:“转基因种子最大的问题是他们都被大型公司所垄断。

The small farmers cannot reproduce any more seeds by themselves. 而小型的农户不能自我繁殖出任何种子。”

And Joom from Thailand wrote: I don't care where the crops come from, natural plants or genetic engineering, as long as we can produce food enough for people. 来自台湾的Joom写到:“我不在乎作物来自那儿,天然作物还是转基因工程作物,只要我们能为人类生产供给出足够的食物就行。