It involves loans, debt guarantees and other support to euro area countries with heavy debts. 这包含了用货款,债务保证和其他等等方法来支撑欧元区的沉重债务。
Some of the money will come from the International Monetary Fund. 其中的一部分资金来自国际货币基金组织。
Olli Rehn, the E.U. monetary affairs commissioner, said the debt crisis is a serious threat. 欧盟货币事务委员瑞恩说债务危机是一个严重的威胁。
The crisis in Greece has threatened to spread to other countries and has led to protests and violence over spending cuts. 希腊的危机已经威胁扩展到其他的国家,在整个开支消减措施上,它已经引起了暴动性的抗议。
But now, interest rates for borrowing by troubled countries like Greece and Portugal have fallen sharply. 现在,像希腊和葡萄牙这样的混乱国家借用的汇率急剧地下跌。