第 160 课:巴基斯坦裔-5

His father was a high-level air force officer in the Pakistani military. 他的父亲是巴基斯坦空军中的一位高级官员。

The bomb in the sport utility vehicle included propane tanks, gasoline and fireworks. 这辆运动型多用途车上的炸弹装置包括丙烷罐,汽油和烟火。

Jim Cavanaugh is a bomb expert who worked for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. 吉姆·卡瓦诺(Jim Cavanaugh)是美国烟酒枪械管理署的炸弹专家.

Faisal Shahzad was quickly identified and arrested fifty-three hours after the attempt in Times Square. 费萨尔·沙赫扎德很快被发现,并在时代广场预谋事件发生35小时后被逮捕。

But like many cases, luck also seemed to play a part. 但和其他很多案件类似,运气扮演了重要角色。